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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so the old saying goes. Humans have been adorning their environments with creative visual images as far back as the prehistoric cave paintings found in France. What is it about artworks that attract us to them? Is there a deep seeded need inbred in our species that drives us to acquire and appreciate artistic creations? Why do some of us spend ungodly amounts of money for a piece of original art that satisfies our craving for it and others part with a few bucks at Walmart for an inexpensive reproduction of an artistic image that touches something in them? I think the inner motivation is not about cost in most cases, but rather that the art does tug at something in our psyche that drives us to want to obtain it. It means something to us.
That meaning can be intellectually deep or as simple as the colors excite us and work in the room décor that the art is intended for. There is and cannot be a right or wrong approach to the motivation behind appreciating any work of art. That indeed is the beauty of art, there are no boundaries. Not as an artist creating art, or a collector appreciating art.
What is to be gained by having art in our lives? As an artist I ask what isn’t to be gained? Having artistic creations in our environments allows us to be reminded that we are all individuals with our own unique outlook on life and the world in general. By displaying artistic creations, we have communicated to those in our sphere a little bit about who we are, without having to get into a long. detailed conversation explaining it. Big gain there! The art we surround ourselves with also can help sooth us when stressed, as we can be reminded of why and where and even who the particular piece was obtained from. Maybe escaping for a moment from the issues that are causing stress. I know I can get lost in some of my pieces when observing them. Being reminded of the memories and thoughts I had while creating them are as valuable to me as the time spent creating the piece itself. And then there is just the pure cerebral enjoyment of the art you have. You obtained it for a reason. Being able to relive and remember why it meant what it did to you when you got it reinforces the joy of owning it.
Having art in our lives enhances our lives, in my not-so-humble artist’s opinion. As a creator of art, I do paint selfishly. I paint what I enjoy, as that enhances my life. I gave up trying to paint what I thought others would purchase a long time ago. But I have found that many people do enjoy my art and seem very interested in why I painted a particular image. That insight into my creative thought process seems to resonate with some people. Sometimes the connection with the artist on a different plane offers the collector the enhancement they seek from an artwork. Again, there are no boundaries as to why anyone likes a piece of art. If you feel that a piece of art will enhance your life in any capacity, you should obtain it. Legally, of course!
There are two distinct types of art. Fine art and commercial art. I produce both. Commercial art is advertising art and imagery. However, many commercial art images now foray into the fine art realm. This cross over reinforces my belief that art is truly in the eye of the beholder. Fine art does not have a concretely defined definition either. Be it realism imagery, abstract expressionism, sculpture, fine art photography, contemporary imagery, computer generated art, comic art, or any other term used to define a genre of creative expression, fine art is a wide open interpretation by both the artist creating it and the collector collecting it. Having such a breadth of choices for art in our lives allows all of us the opportunity to gain the benefit of enjoyment that comes from art.
Tastes in art can change over time for many people. Art pieces can be sold or stored as this happens. One of the joys of collecting art is adding to it. Since there are so many types of art and artists producing it, there are always new art treasures to be seen and collected. New emerging artists are showing their work and seasoned artists keep producing their work on a more refined scale. Art also offers us new insights into ourselves through exposure to new artists and their work and new works by experienced artists. Another reason art is a good thing to have in our lives.
And then there is the joy of creating art. Anyone can create art. Given there is no true definition of what art is, whatever creative endeavor you as a human may seek out is art. Many people talk to me about creating art and say, I can’t even draw a stick figure. My response is always the same, stick figures are boring. But they can be made into art if the artists see fit to. Bob Ross, of the “happy little clouds” painting show The Joy of Painting, aptly named his show for what creating art can offer. Joy. You don’t have to be exceptionally talented to enjoy creating art. For it is the creative process that is the true reward. To be able to get outside your everyday existence and focus on something that touches your creative spirit is uplifting. I believe everyone has a creative streak of some kind. Remember when we were young children the pure joy of crayons or finger paints or clay as a creative toy. It didn’t really matter how the final product looked as much as the fun of creating it. That is what we need to remember as adults when we seek to start creating art. Finding joy in it.
There are many reasons to have art in our lives. I have touched on a few that I believe are pertinent. You may find many other reasons that resonate with you. Art has enhanced my life, both as a creator of art and an appreciator of art. So, go out and experience art in your and our world. Visit art museums, go visit local art shows in your community, shop online art galleries, take an art class, take your kids or grandkids out on a sculpture trail hike, take in a symphony, go to live theatre, stop and listen to street musicians, visit public art up close. Art Is everywhere. Seek it out. You will find why art is needed in our lives.