Prints ordered on are shipped within 7-10 working days from date of order. FedEx or UPS is the shipping method to allow for tracking numbers. Products are shipped flat in boxes or between heavy cardboard for paper prints. If a product arrives damaged please contact DST Creative, LLC at 602.376.5875 or within 5 working days of receipt of damaged product. Damaged product will be replaced at no cost to the customer once the returned damaged product is received and verified by DST Creative, LLC. Damaged goods will be replaced. No refunds issued due to damage.
Return Policy:
To return a product not due to damage please do so within 15 days of receipt of the product. When the product is received by DST Creative, LLC in good condition a refund to the customer’s credit card will be issued. There is a 25% restocking fee for returns of undamaged goods that will be charged. This is due to the fact that our products are produced on demand and we do not hold inventory.
Print reproduction ownership and copyright.
When you purchase a print reproduction of David Scott Taylor’s artwork from this site you own the product itself, but not the image reproduction copyrights. You may not copy or reproduce the image from your reproduction product to use or sell it for any other purpose, personal or commercial. Each print has a copyright notice on it stating all rights reserved as David Scott Taylor retains all copyrights to his images.